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Prerequisite: Kubernetes

Prerequisite: Kubernetes

In order to run Sidero, you first need a Kubernetes “cluster”. There is nothing special about this cluster. It can be, for example:

  • a Kubernetes cluster you already have
  • a single-node cluster running in Docker on your laptop
  • a cluster running inside a virtual machine stack such as VMWare
  • a Talos Kubernetes cluster running on a spare machine

Two important things are needed in this cluster:

  • Kubernetes v1.18 or later
  • Ability to expose tcp and udp Services to the workload cluster machines

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will create this cluster in Docker on a workstation, perhaps a laptop.

If you already have a suitable Kubernetes cluster, feel free to skip this step.

Create a Local Management Cluster

The talosctl CLI tool has built-in support for spinning up Talos in docker containers. Let’s use this to our advantage as an easy Kubernetes cluster to start from.

Issue the following to create a single-node Docker-based Kubernetes cluster:

export HOST_IP=""

talosctl cluster create \
  --name sidero-demo \
  -p 69:69/udp,8081:8081/tcp \
  --workers 0 \
  --config-patch '[{"op": "add", "path": "/cluster/allowSchedulingOnMasters", "value": true}]' \
  --endpoint $HOST_IP

The IP address should be changed to the IP address of your Docker host. This is not the Docker bridge IP but the standard IP address of the workstation.

Note that there are two ports mentioned in the command above. The first (69) is for TFTP. The second (8081) is for the web server (which serves netboot artifacts and configuration).

Exposing them here allows us to access the services that will get deployed on this node. In turn, we will be running our Sidero services with hostNetwork: true, so the Docker host will forward these to the Docker container, which will in turn be running in the same namespace as the Sidero Kubernetes components. A full separate management cluster will likely approach this differently, with a load balancer or a means of sharing an IP address across multiple nodes (such as with MetalLB).

Finally, the --config-patch is optional, but since we are running a single-node cluster in this Tutorial, adding this will allow Sidero to run on the controlplane. Otherwise, you would need to add worker nodes to this management plane cluster to be able to run the Sidero components on it.

Access the cluster

Once the cluster create command is complete, you can retrieve the kubeconfig for it using the Talos API:

talosctl kubeconfig

Note: by default, Talos will merge the kubeconfig for this cluster into your standard kubeconfig under the context name matching the cluster name your created above. If this name conflicts, it will be given a -1, a -2 or so on, so it is generally safe to run. However, if you would prefer to not modify your standard kubeconfig, you can supply a directory name as the third parameter, which will cause a new kubeconfig to be created there instead. Remember that if you choose to not use the standard location, your should set your KUBECONFIG environment variable or pass the --kubeconfig option to tell the kubectl client the name of the kubeconfig file.