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1 - Introduction

Sidero (“Iron” in Greek) is a project created by the Talos Systems team. The goal of this project is to provide lightweight, composable tools that can be used to create bare-metal Talos + Kubernetes clusters. These tools are built around the Cluster API project. Sidero is also a subproject of Talos Systems’ Arges project, which will publish known-good versions of these components (along with others) with each release.


Sidero is made currently made up of three components:

  • Metal Metadata Server: Provides a Cluster API (CAPI)-aware metadata server
  • Metal Controller Manager: Provides custom resources and controllers for managing the lifecycle of metal machines
  • Cluster API Provider Sidero (CAPS): A Cluster API infrastructure provider that makes use of the pieces above to spin up Kubernetes clusters

Sidero also needs these co-requisites in order to be useful:

All componenets mentioned above can be installed using Cluster API’s clusterctl tool.

Because of the design of Cluster API, there is inherently a “chicken and egg” problem with needing an existing Kubernetes cluster in order to provision the management plane. Talos Systems and the Cluster API community have created tools to help make this transition easier. That being said, the management plane cluster does not have to be based on Talos. If you would, however, like to use Talos as the OS of choice for the Sidero management plane, you can find a number of ways to deploy Talos in the documentation.

2 - Installation

As of Cluster API version 0.3.9, Sidero is included as a default infrastructure provider in clusterctl.

To install Sidero and the other Talos providers, simply issue:

clusterctl init -b talos -c talos -i sidero

3 - Architecture

The overarching architecture of Sidero centers around a “management plane”. This plane is expected to serve as a single interface upon which administrators can create, scale, upgrade, and delete Kubernetes clusters. At a high level view, the management plane + created clusters should look something like:

Alternative text

4 - Resources

Sidero, the Talos bootstrap/controlplane providers, and Cluster API each provide several custom resources (CRDs) to Kubernetes. These CRDs are crucial to understanding the connections between each provider and in troubleshooting problems. It may also help to look at the cluster template to get an idea of the relationships between these.

Cluster API (CAPI)

It’s worth defining the most basic resources that CAPI provides first, as they are related to several subsequent resources below.


Cluster is the highest level CAPI resource. It allows users to specify things like network layout of the cluster, as well as contains references to the infrastructure and control plane resources that will be used to create the cluster.


Machine represents an infrastructure component hosting a Kubernetes node. Allows for specification of things like Kubernetes version, as well as contains reference to the infrastructure resource that relates to this machine.


MachineDeployments are similar to a Deployment and their relationship to Pods in Kubernetes primitives. A MachineDeployment allows for specification of a number of Machine replicas with a given specification.

Cluster API Bootstrap Provider Talos (CABPT)


The TalosConfig resource allows a user to specify the type (init, controlplane, join) for a given machine. The bootstrap provider will then generate a Talos machine configuration for that machine. This resource also provides the ability to pass a full, pre-generated machine configuration. Finally, users have the ability to pass configPatches, which are applied to edit a generate machine configuration with user-defined settings. The TalosConfig corresponds to the bootstrap sections of Machines, MachineDeployments, and the controlPlaneConfig section of TalosControlPlanes.


TalosConfigTemplates are similar to the TalosConfig above, but used when specifying a bootstrap reference in a MachineDeployment.

Cluster API Control Plane Provider Talos (CACPPT)


The control plane provider presents a single CRD, the TalosControlPlane. This resource is similar to MachineDeployments, but is targeted exclusively for the Kubernetes control plane nodes. The TalosControlPlane allows for specification of the number of replicas, version of Kubernetes for the control plane nodes, references to the infrastructure resource to use (infrastructureTemplate section), as well as the configuration of the bootstrap data via the controlPlaneConfig section. This resource is referred to by the CAPI Cluster resource via the controlPlaneRef section.


Cluster API Provider Sidero (CAPS)


A MetalCluster is Sidero’s view of the cluster resource. This resource allows users to define the control plane endpoint that corresponds to the Kubernetes API server. This resource corresponds to the infrastructureRef section of Cluster API’s Cluster resource.


A MetalMachine is Sidero’s view of a machine. Allows for reference of a single server or a server class from which a physical server will be picked to bootstrap.


A MetalMachineTemplate is similar to a MetalMachine above, but serves as a template that is reused for resources like MachineDeployments or TalosControlPlanes that allocate multiple Machines at once.


ServerBindings represent a one-to-one mapping between a Server resource and a MetalMachine resource. A ServerBinding is used internally to keep track of servers that are allocated to a Kubernetes cluster and used to make decisions on cleaning and returning servers to a ServerClass upon deallocation.

Metal Controller Manager


These define a desired deployment environment for Talos, including things like which kernel to use, kernel args to pass, and the initrd to use. Sidero allows you to define a default environment, as well as other environments that may be specific to a subset of nodes. Users can override the environment at the ServerClass or Server level, if you have requirements for different kernels or kernel parameters.

See the Environments section of our Configuration docs for examples and more detail.


These represent physical machines as resources in the management plane. These Servers are created when the physical machine PXE boots and completes a “discovery” process in which it registers with the management plane and provides SMBIOS information such as the CPU manufacturer and version, and memory information.

See the Servers section of our Configuration docs for examples and more detail.


ServerClasses are a grouping of the Servers mentioned above, grouped to create classes of servers based on Memory, CPU or other attributes. These can be used to compose a bank of Servers that are eligible for provisioning.

See the ServerClasses section of our Configuration docs for examples and more detail.

Metal Metadata Server

While the metadata server does not present unique CRDs within Kubernetes, it’s important to understand the metadata resources that are returned to physical servers during the boot process.


The metadata server may be familiar to you if you have used cloud environments previously. Using Talos machine configurations created by the Talos Cluster API bootstrap provider, along with patches specified by editing Server/ServerClass resources or TalosConfig/TalosControlPlane resources, metadata is returned to servers who query the metadata server at boot time.

See the Metadata section of our Configuration docs for examples and more detail.