Version v0.6 of the documentation is for the Sidero Metal version being developed. For the latest stable version of Sidero Metal, see the latest version.


To install Sidero and the other Talos providers, simply issue:

clusterctl init -b talos -c talos -i sidero

Sidero supports several variables to configure the installation, these variables can be set either as environment variables or as variables in the clusterctl configuration:

  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_HOST_NETWORK (false): run sidero-controller-manager on host network
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_DEPLOYMENT_STRATEGY (RollingUpdate): strategy to use when updating sidero-controller-manager, use Recreate when using a single node and SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_HOST_NETWORK is true
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_API_ENDPOINT (empty): specifies the IP address controller manager API service can be reached on, defaults to the node IP (TCP)
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_API_PORT (8081): specifies the port controller manager can be reached on
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_CONTAINER_API_PORT (8081): specifies the controller manager internal container port
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_SIDEROLINK_ENDPOINT (empty): specifies the IP address SideroLink Wireguard service can be reached on, defaults to the node IP (UDP)
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_SIDEROLINK_PORT (51821): specifies the port SideroLink Wireguard service can be reached on
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_EXTRA_AGENT_KERNEL_ARGS (empty): specifies additional Linux kernel arguments for the Sidero agent (for example, different console settings)
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_AUTO_ACCEPT_SERVERS (false): automatically accept discovered servers, by default .spec.accepted should be changed to true to accept the server
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_AUTO_BMC_SETUP (true): automatically attempt to configure the BMC with a sidero user that will be used for all IPMI tasks.
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_INSECURE_WIPE (true): wipe only the first megabyte of each disk on the server, otherwise wipe the full disk
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_SERVER_REBOOT_TIMEOUT (20m): timeout for the server reboot (how long it might take for the server to be rebooted before Sidero retries an IPMI reboot operation)
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_IPMI_PXE_METHOD (uefi): IPMI boot from PXE method: uefi for UEFI boot or bios for BIOS boot
  • SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_BOOT_FROM_DISK_METHOD (ipxe-exit): configures the way Sidero forces server to boot from disk when server hits iPXE server after initial install: ipxe-exit returns iPXE script with exit command, http-404 returns HTTP 404 Not Found error, ipxe-sanboot uses iPXE sanboot command to boot from the first hard disk (can be also configured on ServerClass/Server method)

Sidero provides three endpoints which should be made available to the infrastructure:

  • TCP port 8081 which provides combined iPXE, metadata and gRPC service (external endpoint should be specified as SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_API_ENDPOINT and SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_API_PORT)
  • UDP port 69 for the TFTP service (DHCP server should point the nodes to PXE boot from that IP)
  • UDP port 51821 for the SideroLink Wireguard service (external endpoint should be specified as SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_SIDEROLINK_ENDPOINT and SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_SIDEROLINK_PORT)

These endpoints could be exposed to the infrastructure using different strategies:

  • running sidero-controller-manager on the host network.
  • using Kubernetes load balancers (e.g. MetalLB), ingress controllers, etc.

Note: If you want to run sidero-controller-manager on the host network using port different from 8081 you should set both SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_API_PORT and SIDERO_CONTROLLER_MANAGER_CONTAINER_API_PORT to the same value.